Craigieburn Reserve
#306 Do - Find the swing under the huge old macrocarpa trees while exploring Craigieburn Reserve in Dunedin. Elizabeth and William Rankin arrived in Dunedin with their daughter in 1860. They built their home Craigieburn, named after a village in Scotland, on a block of land in the hills of Dunedin. Covered in native bush, with no road to their property, they cleared the land for grazing, access and earned money from the sale of kanuka as firewood (at a time in Dunedin when firewood was sought after, before the regular supply of coal). This historic reserve, with remains of a cobbled road, original house sites and the 'little ruin' stone shed, was purchased by the Dunedin Amenities Society with the Dunedin City Council to conserve this site and we can appreciate and learn of the early settlers in our city.