Chalkies Track
#355 Do - Chalkies Track. Having seen the sign that said 2.8km to limestone formations, I thought it sounded like a nice quick adventure into the bush. So I convinced my neighbour/running buddy to join me as a quick work break. It was a little more challenging than anticipated....steep, muddy, clambering over fallen trees, lost the track briefly (learnt that little pink ribbons were helping direct us), crossing streams, and clung to a rope to help ascend one super steep section of the track, it certainly ticked the adventure box! Beautiful surroundings and we had 2 little fantails swooping around us almost the entire way. We made it about 1km up the track before deciding to turn back, to be completed another day with a little more time. It can be done as a 6km loop (apparently great views at the summit of Powder Hill) or as a race - the Powder Ridge Punisher and Chalkies Challenge