Moana Tennis Club
Lockdown loop #18
Moana Tennis Club. Established in 1908, they initially used two courts at the Arthur Street School before they built their own courts near where Moana Pool now stands. In 1950 they made their final move here to Robin Hood Park and built the courts on the old quarry site. I noticed the very humble clubhouse, and was disappointed to read that in the 1970s the original clubhouse was virtually demolished by vandals. The clubhouse was rebuilt using concrete and armoured glass. So sad.
It was Jack’s longest walk yet this morning, 3.5km. He kept refusing the pram and his little legs just kept going!
References: Lawn Tennis. ODT issue 15187 5th July 1911 pg 8.
New Courts. ODT issue 27313 13th February 1950 pg 7.